
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Do you know what to do Gampaha tution classes students.

Most classes are held and students of the city renowned in the country. However, the students aimed to reveal in the racket caused by the large scale.

Know sugar that the growth of cancer cells, ?

The simple remedy that can be at home to avoid it because of the growth of cancer cells, sugar. The baking soda and wash it honey.It is a successful treatment

Monday, January 30, 2017

Flash Flood Completely Swallows SUV

Toyota Land Cruiser Swallowed By Horrifying Flash Flood In Pakistan One person has died and two have been lucky to escape alive after attempting to drive across the road in the midst of a flash flood in Chaman, Pakistan. Footage of the incident shows the white Toyota Land Cruiser Prado trying to cross the muddy waters. However, it quickly becomes stuck as the raging torrent of water bashes into its side and pushes it to the edge of a large drop off.

Australian Thovilaya (The Devil dance) Sri Lankan

The video shows the events that Australian Thovilaya.Australian country nationals. Is likely that they have been studying how the custom of. You see the idea.

When a brother meets his sister's boyfriend

What happened to the girl who was in love with a foreign country ... Here is a wonderful job and brought his brother was in love with a girl and a foreign person. This ridiculously videos.

what had happened to foreigners when listen Iraj's "silbidagatte" song.

Lanka's controversial design by a young musician Iraj for "I silbindagattē" The Australian people by the ridiculous video song.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Dutch Person was escaped by a Sri Lankan @ World's End

A foreign national who slipped off world’s end was fortunate to live another day thanks to the valiant efforts undertaken by the Sinha Regiment of the Sri Lanka Army and the Sri Lanka Air Force, who rescued him.

Man Falling Off From High Building

Man Falling Off From High Building A man How to falls down from the top of a building .camera had accidentally recorded. He was down because of the collapse of the building the plane while Fig was sleep as critical.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Remove the Trump Donaldson four powerful government officials.

Donald Trump has been removed from service by the country's four US government officials. They are a powerful voice who waged war crimes in Sri Lanka Human Rights session in Geneva.

Egg Float Test How Old is That Egg ? Test for Egg Freshness

Eggs will keep a lot longer than you probably realize. Generally, an egg will last unrefrigerated out on the counter at room temperature, unwashed, for at least two weeks. Unwashed and stored in the refrigerator, an egg will last a lot longer - more than three months. Even washed eggs will last for about two months in your refrigerator. But when in doubt, just do the Float Test. It's simple. Just fill a clear glass with warm water and gently drop the egg in. Freshly laid eggs will lie flat on the bottom of the glass.

Time travel is possible with these methods

The humans had a dream of time traveling since the ancient times. Is time travel is possible? According to the scientists, time travel is possible in three ways. Some of those scientists are Albert Einstein and Stephan Hawkins. After watching this video, you will understand that the time travel is possible.

A True Astral Projection Experiences

Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Thero what his body be sent out manōkāya Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Thero lived in Sri Lanka is very famous. That is why his work was used in teaching knowledge and the mind develops.

zorb tragedy at Russian ski resort caught on camera

An extreme winter activity turned into tragedy, after a zorb with two tourists inside lost control and plunged into a creek in Dombay mountain area, in Russia's south. One of the two young men died, the other suffered a concussion.

Friday, January 27, 2017


He is really Human? This can not believe it. He amazed people will be over the street waiting for performances. You see in his incredible ability.

Ashawari hindi version.

Iraj's Ashawaree Hindiversion. Sri Lanka's controversial music director of Iraj Weeraratne's "Ashawari" Hindi version music video has been issued. The song singer is Kamal Khatri.

Lovable gir cow in 'SRI RAMA PRIYA' farm.

His owner loved the bulls. A video of a bull's owner of his affection has become controversial. The Indian bull. See how in love and affection for their master.

Mr. Mahinda Rajapakse rally participants.

President Mahinda Rajapakse headed this video Nugegoda at the rally ...

Chat Conversation End

How to earn Money easealy.

Spe.m donation typically involves the provision of spe.m by a healthy hetero**xual man to a spe.m bank or fertility clinic for the purpose of artificially inseminating a woman who is not his se*ual partner.] Most recipients of donor spe*m are heterose*ual couples dealing with male infertility, lesb**n couples and single women. Spe*m donors get paid for their samples,

Thursday, January 26, 2017


When the lights went up at Anna Sui's fall show and the models made their way down the runway, every woman watching had the same thought: "I want that hair." It was long, lustrous, and literally bouncing as they walked; hair god Garren had created the shampoo-commercial locks we all covet. But how to get such gorgeous hair? Surprisingly, no matter what type you were born with, the same rules apply: The less you do to your hair, the healthier it will be and the longer it can grow. First, give your torturous flatiron a rest. Of-the-moment long hair has "waves and/or volume," says celebrity hairstylist Mark Townsend, who coifs Amy Adams and January Jones. Read on for more advice from the pros.

MP Ranjan rāmanājaka regional secretary speaks fast.

MP.Ranjan Ramanayaka had inspected incisions in the local area in Divulapitiya rāmanajaka He telephoned done in a heated exchange with the secretary.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Indika Thotawatte in the Rohana Wijemuni controversial prediction.

Jan 26, pointing to President Maithripala Sirisena Pala di.d Wijith prophecies that predicted the veteran banker of Indian Totawatta issued by a controversial statement.

Home Pregnancy Test with Bleach Positive

Collect your first urine of the day in a clean bowl as a sample. Add few drops of it to the container to which you have already added the bleach. You can observe the change in the mixture due to the chemical reactions. If the mixture remains unchanged, it means you have tested negative for pregnancy.


Put a tablespoon or two of baking soda in a glass. Then add some of your urine to the baking soda. If the combination fizzes, like a soft drink that has been shaken up, then you are having a boy. On the other hand if there is no reaction at all from the baking soda and urine, you're having a girl.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

A Boy given to neighbor to his wife with money because buffoonery.

Sudden Rs. 3 75 000 03 months at a time neighbor houses. And now at the end of the court. Neighbor received a decision in disbelief.

MP Vasudeva Nanayakkara passionate story.

Vasudeva Nanayakkara, a parliament spoke on impulse. There Mr. Thilanga Sumathipala was not control him. Harsha de Silva to rise after what was a rule.

Donald ṭrump unexpectedly burdened.

Donald John Trump (born June 14, 1946) is an American businessman, television personality, politician, and the 45th President of the United States.

7 Mind blowing tricks used in advertising

When they need to photograph a hot drink with steam. They use wet and hot cotton balls behind the scene. Cotton balls are capable of holding hot longer and creating smoke. It gives enough time to the photographer to take the best shot. It is not that easy to take a photograph of an ice cream under the hot lights of a studio because ice cream can be melted easily. That is why they use mashed potatoes instead of ice cream. Insects are moving quickly so it is very hard to take a photograph of an insect. That is why they keep the insect inside the fridge for a while. It makes the insect slow.

Buddha statue 1600 years emerged from the waters of a dam in China

Archeologists believe that an ancient Buddha statue discovered by villagers in China’s Jiangxi Province is about 1600 years old, dating back to the Ming Dynasty, state news agency Xinhua reported last week.

Psychologists reveal with our eyes closed?

People close their eyes while kising to allow the brain to properly focus on the task in hand, psychologists have said. A study on vision and tactile sensory experience at Royal Holloway, University of London, concluded the brain finds it difficult to process another sense while also concentrating on the visual stimuli.

Quick Inflate Tire With Fire

Auto and ATV tires won't inflate unless the bead around the rim is sealed tight. So if you break that bead, you've got a problem. It's something that strikes off-road enthusiasts who deflate their tires for better traction on slick rock or in sand, only to see the bead break and find themselves stuck in the middle of the desert or woods.

handed the owner of the bag with a million-picked

The police were immediately falls in finding their intelligence officers deployed on persons traveling in the area. The police could find that kind of bag toward shared rūnagē say take hatvaṁguva Falls area Wijesekera home. Next you lose Falls police hatvaṁguvē DM. Wijesekera found.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Which color of an umbrella is more effective for sunlight?

It's usually said that black umbrellas are best against sun, since black absorbs most of the radiation . The common umbrellas in market(atleast in India) are painted black outside and silvery inside. However I think the reverse(silvery outside, black inside) should be more effective. The outer color(silvery) will reflect most of radiation, while the black color inside will absorb anything passing through outer layer.

Ancient Buddha's statue found in kuragala.

Ancient Buddha's statue found in kuragala. Kuragala is ancient place in Sri lanka.The Buddha's ancient rock statue found in kuragala.

19 Buildings Demolished at Once

Nineteen buildings disappeared in the space of 10 seconds after being demolished by a controlled explosion in China yesterday. The blocks of flats, which were up to 12 storeys high, in the city of Wuhan are making way for a huge new business district, including a 707-metre tall skyscraper. Experts waited until dark had fallen before detonating demolition charges which brought down 150,000 square metres of concrete, glass and steel in 10 seconds.

Sri lankan Magic artist show amazing magic

One of the streets was amazing artist Magic Magic Lanka. Well, keep a few pants showed a water person.

Sinhala Rap Song - Koththuwa Ft Kelum Priyankara n Thulani Sithara

Sinhala rap music from a new work produced. "Gabsawa" is the name of a named. It has been estimated by the young musicians, providing a model society.

Do you Know "Body Susi foods table"

The thing you gotta love about LA is that you should be able to find anything here. That includes, I guess, nyotaimori, which is a known by other names: hadaka sushi, body sushi,

Buddha Statues Blink and Move in Malaysian Temple

Several Buddha statues in the Pu Xian Service Center of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, were seen moving their lips, blinking, moving their chests and hands, and emitting light. The strange phenomenon occurred for about an hour. after a service at the Buddhist center, more than 100 members were lining up to meet Tong Chew, the abbot of the center, when they saw that the Buddha statues in the room started moving. Witnesses said they first saw one Buddha statue's lips moving, and its chest also moved as if it was breathing. Then, other statues started moving their lips too, and some kept blinking and even moved their fingers up and down.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Youth with Talent - Arun Moli

The audience are sup price of the magic of reality program held by Arun Molly , but also bench was surprised.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Hypnotic Solar Explosions 4K

To the naked eye, our sun is an unremarkable ball of heat and light. Under the eye of the Solar Dynamics Observatory, the sun is a seething maelstrom of magnetic phenomena, coronal mass coronal mass ejections, sunspots, and solar flares. Let the immense power of the sun immerse and mesmerize you in stunning Ultra High Definition

Cricket Coacher What to do 13 years old school girl

Malambe Sri Rahula Girl's college cricket coacher was arrested by police. He cheat the school girl. She is 13 years old.One day he go to jungle with this girl and given alcohol to her.After he try r**pe this girl.

Friday, January 20, 2017

How to Woman earn money sales they secret place.

On their Indiegogo campaign (yes, they’re trying to raise €150,000), The Order of Yoni suggests that by using a woman’s vagi**l bacteria, their beer is like having a woman in b*er form. By which we mean, yes, the entire campaign is very, very exualised.

Lanka bans on light bulbs?

To compensate for electricity due to severe dry weather conditions existing light bulbs banned CFC electricity costs less and is designed to provide health bulbs

A woman who disappeared during the reign of 26 years after the return home

A woman who disappeared during the reign of 26 years after the return home 18-year-old girl who disappeared during the 26-year reign of terror in her home country in the Gampola area girāulla arrived.

"Mr.Doctor" - Dr. Pandula Basnayaka in Kandy Mr.Novices

"Mr.Doctor" - Dr. Pandula Basnayaka in Kandy Hospital advice about health and fitness. He shows how well the importance of exercise and the exercise should be accurate.Also pandula was win more Bodybuilding Event. he was "Mr kandy" in past year. see this video

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Do you know what is the woman most sensitive in life?

The most important thing for men to realise these days is that most women want orgasm. A couple of generations or so ago, many adult females simply didn't orgam – and a lot of them weren't bothered about it. Probably a lot of them didn't actually know what an orgam was.

Cargo Truck VS Rickety Wooden Bridge

This is the unbelievable moment a heavy truck plummeted into a ravine after the driver attempted to cross a rickety wooden bridge and failed miserably. The footage was captured in Brazil and shows the men exiting the large vehicle and approaching the bridge in order to assess its strength. The video shows that it is broken in some places as well as being slightly crooked, but despite the obvious warning signs the men get back in the truck and proceed.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Five supernatural games you should never try

Playing with demons, ghosts, and other invisible beings is not a good idea. However, the people who love to have a little thrill use strange methods to communicate with the hidden world. In this, video we decided to inform you five paranormal games. Ouija board can be used to communicate with the paranormal world. Many people still believe that it can summon spirits. At first glance, you will see that it as a normal board that contains numbers and letters. This is a very old paranormal game but still popular in many countries. This method is used to summon the spirit of Bloody Mary.

21 Signs You Might Have Cancer

Every year, 1,658,370 Americans are diagnosed with cancer, and 589,430 of them d.e. Many of these victims never realized they had cancer until it was too late. Treating and identifying cancer early is vital. That's why you need to know the early warning signs.

Mahendra Perera With Sachini Ayendra

Sachini Ayendra Stanley (born 8 April 1982), is a Sri Lankan film actress who works in Sinhala movies. She won Miss Sri Lanka title in 2003. After being crowned as the winner of the Miss Sri Lanka, her first film, Aadaraneeya Wassaanaya was released in 2004. She earned her first award for best supporting actress at Signis Sri Lanka Film Awards for her performance in Adaraneeya Wassaanaya. This video is she with famous actor Mahendra Perera.